Meet the Troop!
The #TermiteTroop is just one squad in the Legion of Pests.
The Legion is a sneaky, cunning group of creepy crawlies and rodents itching to find a way into your home. They'll eat your food, ruin your furniture, and even bite or sting you!
Follow the Termite Troop on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn to see how the Rentokil hero puts a stop to their plans.
Meet Our Hero!
The Rentokil technician knows what to look for; he will track down termites and even the score!
Class: Aviator
Enjoys: Female company
Dislikes: Overcrowded places - suffers agoraphobia
Personality: A narcissist!
Class: Soldier
Enjoys: Guard duty
Dislikes: Ants - they are his nemesis!
Personality: Thinks he's Rambo!
Class: Miner
Enjoys: Darkness & digging
Dislikes: Laziness
Personality: A slave-driver!
Class: Worker
Enjoys: Rock music
Dislikes: Sunlight & dry air
Personality: A serial complainer!
Do I have termites?
Termites can go undetected for years before you realise that you have a problem! Although they are sneaky, they do leave clues behind. Learn to spot the early warning signs and prevent termite damage to your home.
Call today on 0861 117 852 for advice.
Follow the #TermiteTroop for surprising facts and practical advice.
Termite Tales
Termite Tales
Meet Our Hero!
How to Get Rid of Termites
I Think I Might have Termites
How Can I Stop Termites?
Termite Protection
We provide safe and effective SABS registered Chemical Termite Barriers.
Contact us
And learn more about termites and our solutions against them!
Get Rid of Woodborers
We offer woodborer treatments in Gauteng and the Western Cape.
Flying Off
The warmer season means that Troy is flying off in search of the perfect mate.
A Smelly Underworld
The Termite Troop are renovating their nest to make room for some new arrivals
Coming soon
Discovering a Feast
The Termite Troop are hungry and on the lookout for some food... Could it be your home?
Coming soon
Leaving Clues
The Termite Troop are smart... but not as smart as our Rentokil technician!
Coming soon
Looking for Signs
By regularly conducting inspections, the tell-tale signs of termite damage can be discovered.
Coming soon
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